Thank you Tim and Ingo!
Beside IC5 (TL064), one of the extra components on the solder side is
missing. I talked to my dealer (Technopolis, Montreal), and he wants
confirmation from Mr. Doepfer on what exactly needs to be done. However, my
opinion is that you guys were really fantastic, and I thank you so much for
your excellent replies. Regards,
>From: "Tim Stinchcombe" <
>Subject: 1 Re: A-126 VCFS (Frequency Shifter) Problem
>Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 18:00:12 -0000
>Hi Zoran,
> > My Frequency Shifter has four TL064CN's and one TL084CN. That
>single TL084
> > is at the bottom, close to DOEPFER sign in the corner. Is this how
>it is
> > supposed to be
>That is IC9: thus, that your IC5 is still a TL064, then it is likely
>you have an earlier module without the modifications.
>IC5 is the next TL064 up, near the PA382, or CEM3382 (and so not any
>of the three-in-a-row at the top). On mine it has clearly been
>replaced after the module was initially soldered. But an easier way
>to tell if your module is modified is to look at the solder side,
>where you should see 4 extra components: 3 of these are near the
>underside if IC5 - (probably) an orangy-red zener diode (the key
>component if it is missing!), a largish round capacitor (perhaps
>marked '10u' or '33u'), and (probably) a flattish, square capacitor
>(perhaps marked '1200' or '1000' or '1n' or similar); the other extra
>component is a diode under IC10/78L09 (to the right of the right
>MC1496, viewed on top).
>If these are missing, the zener diode is the key one - whilst the
>service manual says to use a 5V6, mine actually has a 5V1 one fitted.
>(Locating the components on this board is tricky: the printing is
>quite bad on mine, and of course most of the components obscure it
>any way. This is one of the few modules for which I have the service
>manual, which includes a picture of the component layout, so if you
>need any more help, let me know.)