Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
Doepfer_a100 group:
Should the forthcoming A101/9 Universal Vactrol Module be
manufactured with polarizers for the cv inputs or with a
combination of normal attenuators and "invert" switches
The version with polarizers would be 8 te wide, while
the version with attenuators and switches would probably be
12 te wide. Both versions have their own advantages.
The version with switches is easier to adjust, while the
polarizer version is smaller in size.
o I'd prefer the version with attenuators and switches
o I'd prefer the version with polarizers
o I'm happy with any of those versions
o I don't care about that module
To vote, please visit the following web page:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Doepfer_a100/surveys id=12207248
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