I've been thinking on this Groovalizer concept and I think it can be
accomplished with very few modules and several different ways with
the tools we have (or soon will have) available.
What we want to have is a sequence of notes with the possibility of
sounding before or after the beat. Right
I really love my A-146 Variable Waveform LFO. It produces a variable
width pulse wave and a variable saw to triangle to ramp wave. I
patch these into Envelope Generators. The variable width pulse
gives a variable Gate for note durations. But the variable saw wave
allows you to trigger the EG at different times in the cycle.
Comparing the pulse to the saw you are able to trigger the EG's
simultaneously or at ever widening intervals. A little knob
twiddling can be fun!.
If you use the triangle setting as the starting point of the first
cycle, then you can vary whether the next trigger occurs after or
BEFORE the beat! Time Travel aka Rubato!
As soon as the Universal Vactrol is available we may be able to
remove the protoplasmic element from the knob twiddling and get
repeatable variations using a Sequencer, for instance.
So Dieter, we pray that your UV will come with patch-point
instructions for the A-146. Pretty Please
Similar effects may be obtainable with the A-142 Decay/Gate. It
produces an inverse gate when the delay is done and it is Voltage
Controlled! This one doesn't even need patch-points! Is this the
elusive Groovalizer
Also perhaps the A-162 Dual Trigger Delay.