a friend of mine here in baltimore (usa) named peter blasser designs
VERY unconventional synthesizers. he is somewhere between a virtuoso
synth designer and a circuit bender.
his latest creation which he is selling from his website is a dual 8
bit voltage controlled digital delay with an analog mini chaotic cross-
modulating oscillator heart for control and audio applictions. it can
do what you mention plus many more crazy things. its very
experimental, but it sounds like that's what you're into anyhow.
his website is
tell him tom borax sent ya.
--- In
, tkrakowiak <traktorman@g...>
> Thanks Ingo, that was my question
> > afaik reverse playback can only be achieved with a digital delay
> are there plans for such a device would love to have a cv control on
> a digital delay.
> best
> t