I prefer to not post too information on this issue on a good
neighbor's yahoo group (this being a Doepfer site as opposed to
the EAR blog), but I would like to take a second to discuss this.
When I started out, Plan B consisted of me and my Aussie (dog).
We expected no more than 25 orders for Model 15's. We
received 85. I've shipped 83 of these original orders and 22 32
additional which have come since the initial offering. We are
currently building yet another large quantity for Analogue Haven.
In any event, I've had a reputation for being slow. Admitted. To fix
this, Mike and I formed the Ear Group. And even though I was
the only individual in this organization that didn't have another full
time job this is still true, btw!) - the additional people really
helped and the deliveries started coming a lot faster once we did
this. Further, we no longer take cash deposits of any kind, and
build only on free reservations - so now we're not holding any
funds in deposits.
But we have been trying to address the issue with European
deliveries however and the bottom line, I'm sure a stock on hand
at Analogue Haven will greatly improve the situation as they
maintain a maximum 48 hour shipment period once the order is
Ideally, a European dealer is the best solution and we've had
discussions with a few, but are yet to find the fit. The agencies
we've spoken to are all very interested in carrying the line, but
unwilling/unable/un-something to keep sufficient stock on hand
so...it's doesn't really inprove the situation that much - a matter of
fact, it makes it slower. Instead of shipping single units directly
to the user, we would have to ship them to a dealer , who would
then ship them off to the customer. We don't see this additional
middle man as the solution. Hopefully in the next few months
we will make arrangements with a European store front who will
have 5 or 6 units of each on hand and will be able to complete
orders in a expedient manner.
In the meantime, we have partnered with a very reliable reseller -
Analogue Haven - and they will shipping overseas and I am
confident that they will improve the situation to acceptable levels.
In short, I think we've put the systems in place to improve a
issue and I'm confident those days are behind us and I thank
you for your patience, understanding and support.
- Peter Grenader