Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
Doepfer_a100 group:
A touch keyboard poll to see which
features should be added for the
proposed touch plate keyboard
sequencer. the poll will close on
march 21,2002. so please get your vote
in to make a difference.if there are
any new features you want to see added,
please email me
with your suggestions and i will add a
second poll to conclude the features.
cheers and get busy voting!
o should the unit initially come with 1 voice of polyphony (monophonic)
o should the unit initially come with 2 voices of polyphony (duophonic)
o would you like to have polyphony available up to 8 voices
o should the add-on polyphony expanders come in one, two or four set (dependant on the initial polyphony mono or duo)
o should the polyphonic outputs come in 1/8" or 1/4" phone jacks
o would you like the cv,gate,pot and pressure to be grouped in a square formation
o would you like the cv,gate,pot and pressure to be grouped in a straight line
o would you like to have an octave up or down pot with 5 settings with the middle position set to middle c, so that if midi is available can you cover greater range
o would you like to have a 3-way pot to control the voice cv output voltage. left position the keyboard outputs the notes chromatically. right position, the touch key voltage is summed with the pot voltage together for microtunings. the middle position the cv and pot voltages output themselves separately at their respective outputs.
o would you like to have a frequency modulation input with pot to modulate the keyboard voice cv polyphonically( rear output)
o would you like to have a cv input and pot to offset the keyboard voltage by voltage control or the pot which is zero centered with a negative offset to left and a positive offset to the right
o would you like to have portamento cv input and pot to set the time range available polyphonically.
o would you like to have a pot to control the pressure from the touch keys and sum the value with the pitch cv through the rear voice outputs for polyphonic aftertouch the pot could include a switch to it to turn on the the polyphonic aftertouch and increase of the range as you turn to the right.
o would you like to have a second row of pots and outputs just like the first row, with the same outputs and the same functions.
o would you like to have a second row of pots for a chaser style sequencer like the A155 the first row being used for keyboard pot voltage.the sequencer row would have switch pots to turn the step on or off plus the voltage value with only cv and gate. you would also have a pot for the range value.
o would you like to have a row of 3-way toggle switches to form a trigger bus with two outputs, just like the A155
o would you like to have an SH-101 style sequencer in an A100 module format that uses touch voltages from the touch keyboard to program the note value for each step through a 5pin din connector the keyboard clock would act as a master and pass through the 5pin jack. the rest of the functions would controlled from the front panel.you could have 1 to 4 connectors per touch keyboard. i have already designed and laid out it in the A100 module format. i will put the design in fantasy module folder in the files sections soon.
o would you like to have a 4 row sequencer with 24 stages per row it would have, again a 5 pin din connector on it to receive a gate signal from the touch keys to trigger the 4 stage column sequence that is output through an combined output called ABCD which is controlled by a vertical clock input. the individual horinzontal rows would each have their own separate output A, B, C, and D. the horizontal clock would come through the 5pin jack from the master clock on the touch keyboard. at the bottom of each column there would be gate or trigger input to jack to control that column. there would also be 3-way toggle to control either the horizontal row step or the vertical clock rate. switch the toggle down and the input jack clocks the vertical column. switch the toggle to the middle and the clock the first or last step in the column. in the horizontal row it creates a mute for that stage. switch the toggle to the top and it creates an end point and resets to the first stage position. you would one of these sequencers per touch keyboard. you could then create 48 stage sequence , if linked 2 sequencers and 2 touch keyboards together. don't forget that by going this route you bring down the price of the keyboard and the sequencing options added to your own liking and prescribed and final. again i have designed and laid out a face plate for this module that i will put in the fantasy module folder in the files sections soon.
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