You have to set the clock dividing factor to 6, 12 or 24 to get 1/16, 1/8 or
1/4 hardware clock pulses from the A-190. Please look at the A-190 manual to
page 10. I know that the A-190 operation is not the best (I would never
design the A-190 again as it is but it was develeoped by an employee in
cooperation with an external consultant - in the meantime I don't think much
of external consultants but listen to the suggestions of this group ....)
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:
> [mailto:
]Im Auftrag von Sixtoo.1200Hobos
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 5. Februar 2006 05:01
> An:
> Betreff: 1 midi clock problems
> So I figured out my initial problems, but have a short question for
> the pros.
> Basically it was an MPC issue (needed to turn on the Midi Clock in
> the main screen... for future reference to MPC4000 users, Midi Clock
> on the 4K is armed at the sequence level, so you can turn midi clock
> on and off depending on the need... a very good feature!).
> Now then. I have my midi clock running into the analog sequencer, but
> it isn't very rhythmic. I would like to have the MIDI clock run my
> Analog Sequencer at 8 or 16th notes, but it seems to be on weird
> divisions that don't quite fall into beats. Do I need to have the
> clock divider in between the 190-MCVS and the Analog Sequencer to
> make it rhythmic, or can the 190 accept Midi Beat clock I know that
> module is cheap, so If I need to get it, it is not a big deal... but
> it would be nice if I could just program the 190 down to proper timing.
> Anyone have a fix here
> Hey Guys.
> This is my first post here. I was thankful to find such a resource on
> the Doepfer site.
> I borrowed an A100 off a friend a month ago, and quickly fell in love
> with the potential of the unit. I am not a synth head by any stretch
> of the imagination, more working with processed samples, but have
> already found some incredible applications for this system to my
> music. In the last couple of weeks I bought two A100 frames in order
> to build a 'processing filter mixer' for live sets (using my MPC4000
> as my main instrument, with multi outs being sent through dedicated
> Doepfer filters for specific sounds/ranges
syncd via A-190 Midi Box
> and A-155 Analog Sequencer)
This processing box sounds awesome, and
> I think it will be a lot of fun to use in my live sets.
> I have basically decided to build something similar to the short-
> lived Sherman Filter-mixer, but with much more power behind it. 4ins,
> 4 outs, Morph filters, step sequenced with the Analog sequencer
> is already sounding quite evil.
> My current setup
> (4) A-119s (Dedicated Analog Inputs from MPC outputs)
> (4) ADSRs (for synth and filter applications)
> 190 Midi Sync Unit
> 155 Analog Sequncer
> 107 Morph Filter
> 106 Xtreme filters
> (2) 121 Multimode Filters
> 108 VCF
> 102 VCF
> + the usual suspect synth modules (2VCOs 2LFOs Noise, Etc.) and a
> couple 138 Mixers.
> Up until now I have been using the Analog Sequencer to send CV pulses
> to different filters, clocked via the MPC using CV gates, programming
> a note on every 16th at the MPC
. I know there is a much better way
> to to this, but I cant get the 190 to respond to Midi Clock. Is there
> a specific Midi note/channel for Midi Sync operation or is there
> perhaps a defect with my unit
(I normally have no problem just
> setting my MPC to transmit Midi Clock on Channel 1, port 1, but for
> some reason the 190 isnt picking up this info
do I need to set the
> preferences on this unit somewhere to accept Midi Clock Info ).
> Ideally I would like to be able to use the 190 to send Midi Beat
> Clock data info to the 155 Sequencer, while sending simultaneous note
> information to the Oscillators, for use of my A-100s as both a Synth
> and a Processing Mixer with a Syncd clock on both uses, programming
> midi tracks in advance on the mutable-in-live-play MPC.
> Thanks in Advance, I am sure others expertise can help me out here.
> Rob.
> ==
> Sixtoo (Robert Squire)
> Audio Boxcutter , Visual Butterknife.
> Instrumental Hiphop Producer / Remixer
> --
> web:
> email:
> --
> Vinyl Promos:
> Robert Squire
> 5581 St. Urbain St.
> Montreal, QC
> H2T2X2
> Canada.
> ==
> Management: Gabe Hilfer, NYC. (
> --
> --
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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