I have three G6 racks. One is fine. The second one has been dying on me for
months now. The fuse stays INTACT, hard tap at the back in the area of power
supply usually fixes the problem for a few minutes, or even an hour or two.
This e-mail is for the NEW PROBLEM I experienced this weekend with my third
rack, and I believe I resolved it.
This third rack is different than the other two - it has 1.2 A power supply.
However, 4 days ago, I turned the rack on, and nothing happened. I checked
fuse immediately, and found it was blown. I went to Radio Shack (Source in
Montreal), and purchased the correct fuse (500 mA, slow blow, 20 x 5). They
come two in pack, and they cost $ 2.99 (Canadian, of course).
Than I removed all Plan B modules from the rack, and everything started
working again. Than it blew again yesterday! So I wondered - did the
misbehaving module compromise my power supply permanently So I finally did
the troubleshooting as it is supposed to be done: I plugged the modules one
by one, until I found that the cause of my grief was A-137 (VC waveshaper) -
the fuse blew the moment I put that one back. Than I remembered that this
module has not been working properly from the day one - sometimes it would
just produce noise and nothing else. I could not reproduce the fault, so I
did not take it back to the dealer yet. But now is time to do so.
So at the moment, I ran out of the fuses, but I am confident that I isolated
the fault. About the other rack, I still have to find the correct fuse
(Radio Shack in Montreal does not carry 250 mA fuse of the correct size).
If anybody is still reading this lengthy and boring message, here is the
question: can one misbehaving module damage the power supply permanently