As I received a lot of emails concerning the free A-100 pcb some additional
- Free pcb's have to be added to another A-100 order.
- It is not possible to order only free pcb's.
- It is not possible to reserve pcb's for future orders
- First come, first served principle
- If there is a Doepfer representative in your country you have to ask the
representative to order the pcb's for you.
- If there is no Doepfer representative in your country please address your
order to
- Do not address your orders to the Yahoo group
- We have no front panels for these pcb's available as surplus pc boards are
normally compensated with the next production series
- You may use blind panels and drill the required holes into the panels
- I'd recommend to order special parts (e.g. programmed PICs, EPROMs or the
DS-20 for A-106) together with the pcbs. These are Euro 20.00 each
- No, we do not offer these pc boards pre-assembled. We offer only the empty
pc boards without electronic parts !
Thank you
Dieter Doepfer