Hello Olix,
For basic VCO - VCF - VCA (the latter controlled by an EG) patches you
won't miss the gain controll.
The gain comes in handy to check what's at the input; to off set the
negative voltages e.g. from an LFO at one of the CV-ins; and possibly
for other reasons I can't think of bcs it's too late...
There should be no diff. output levels btn the A130 and A134, since a
VCAmplifier usually does not amplify but attentuates i.e. max. output
should equal the input. However, any diff will be minor and of little
relevance for the typical VCA applications.
Anyhow, the A134 is for audio only while the A130 can handle both
audio and CV. Regards, Ingo
--- In
, "o_lix" <orenoir@...> wrote:
> Thank you, Florian
> Is the lack of gain control of the A134 versus the A130 is not a
> And do the 2 VCAs have the same output level (I ask this because I
> heard different output levels of some filters, for instance).
> Olix