many thanks for the info , I am intersted to know what the a196 moduakle translates to soundwise sounds very cool.I am also looking at the source of uncertainty etc looking to make the doepfer talk like a computer and also do ' math like ' sequences.
Bakis Sirros <
> wrote:
i think essential, for these types of sounds that
you're after, are:
a196 PLL, a117 digital noise, a127 triple res
filter(for formant-type filtering), a112 (for lo-fi
wavetable effects).
--- q v s f u e k p s v h s l w <
> HI folks
> i'm new here an non doepfer owner but
> pondering building a doepfer system for noise sfx
> firstly or asmall system i can build on.
> I was intersted in the Digital noise source is
> this any good for special fx i'm looking to create
> what i would call , clicks , glicthes, random
> computation sounds and sequences etc and also
> classic cross mod and lfo based fx . . .i know what
> i need for the old style fx but wondered about
> something like doing something like random and semi
> chaotic codex type fx . . . (talking computers etc )
> . . :)can anyone outline the digital noise sources
> potential and how good is the wavestable osc for fx
> Ideally i am hoping to build first a small 3U
> Doepfer A-100 modular style case but get lost in '
> what do i need ' . . . . i dont want or need
> musical sounds so much as clasic ems type fx , and a
> machine that can create self modulating nonsense and
> doodles
> any recommendations for a Doepfer sfx system
> cheers
> matt
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Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds
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