This is exactly what I was wondering about...
This is exactly what I've been working with in jitter! Controlling triggering sounds with the
amount of color coming in from a live video feed. I briefly was experimenting with MAX/
msp/jitter and a Serge but my access to the Serge was somewhat limited. I can't help but
get goosebumps thinking about electronically interactive environments. MAX/msp/jitter is
made for sensors, motion detectors, etc. One of the reasons I'm thinking of getting a
Doepfer is because of its ease of use with MIDI.
I'm confused about how it would work to use audio outs....What would the drawbacks or
differences in using an audio out from MAX/msp to voltage control a Doepfer module
What sort of things might be frustrating and what things would be totally possible Would
a trigger just have to be a quick change in current Could you just use an low oscillator in
MAX as an lfo It's just difficult to imagine it being that easy..Would you just try to mimick
whatever sounds the Doepfer modules made with your msp patch
> You could easily set up a crude sequencer using audio outs on your laptop
> as voltage sources, triggering ADSRs -- to fine tune the signals use
> the exterior input/envelope follower -- use those gates to trigger
> events --
--- In
, "mrb" <boredom_cz@...> wrote:
> The possibilities with MAX/MSP/JITTER and the A100 are limitless! You
> could easily set up a crude sequencer using audio outs on your laptop
> as voltage sources, triggering ADSRs -- to fine tune the signals use
> the exterior input/envelope follower -- use those gates to trigger
> events --
> or go the MIDI route, of which MAX was literally invented to work with
> -- you could create very complex MIDI signals to control any number of
> parameters of your doepfer.
> Jitter would be fun to use -- hook a webcam up, read it into a matrix
> data structure, and have it control the filter cutoff of a signal
> according to how much red is in the picture.
> --- In
, junior <albertvdb@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Op 24-mrt-06 om 17:28 heeft Tommy DOG het volgende geschreven:
> >
> > > My advice to anyone wanting to learn Max is to choose 1 goal and do
> > > not be distracted by
> > > other things one can do with the software.
> > >
> > i don't know about that, being distracted by the other possibilities
> > really opened my eyes and started my semi-professional carreer.
> > my advice would be, do all the tutorials ( peferably twice), then the
> > examples and by then you're already at quite a level.
> > understanding analogue techniques really helps with the msp part too as
> > part of it is err analogous : )
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >