it's true that some people will find the endless possibilities to be more of an attraction. We
all learn differently and I do make this suggestion based on my experience with the
program and my methodology in learning.
I should qualify my statement also by saying that by my starting small I was able to
continue to grow with my needs, fantasies and with the application. Although I am a long
time user I am not an expert and am someone who has worked primarily in specific areas.
--- In
, junior <albertvdb@...> wrote:
> Op 24-mrt-06 om 17:28 heeft Tommy DOG het volgende geschreven:
> > My advice to anyone wanting to learn Max is to choose 1 goal and do
> > not be distracted by
> > other things one can do with the software.
> >
> i don't know about that, being distracted by the other possibilities
> really opened my eyes and started my semi-professional carreer.
> my advice would be, do all the tutorials ( peferably twice), then the
> examples and by then you're already at quite a level.
> understanding analogue techniques really helps with the msp part too as
> part of it is err analogous : )
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]