I am going through my jx-3p, I hadn't played it at all btwn getting my
jupiter 6 and getting the kiwi upgrade and PE.
anyway my question is: can the envelope open the filter fully? on my
kiwitechnics upgraded unit, the envelope can only seem to get the
filter part of the way open, and so having the envelope sweep the
filter is a weaker effect than I would like. maybe this is just the
way of the jx-3p and I never noticed?
I think that before the upgrade, I used the JX-3p only for 1 or 2
sounds, and now I am seeing a lot more potential in it, so I've been
exploring it more....
anyway if anyone else care to test this out, I've simply closed the
filter, applied envelope 1 at maximum to the cutoff, and programmed
the adsr to 0-half-0-0