Ok thanks for the answer.
So, I can have my 2 synths connected: I select the Jx3p in the PE and edit the jx, when I'm finished, I can load Juno in the PE and edit the Juno. Right 1 2
--- In
, "poiskaill" <poiskaill@...> wrote:
> Hello,juno 2 and jx3p 's owner, the Patch Editor seems really interesting.
> One Patch Editor controling two synths, one after the other.
> Is this possible 1 2
> patch editor midi out -->> midi-thru 1x4 -->> juno 2 midi in + jx3p midi in
> Second one: can I save my presets, sounds created directly into the Patch Editor, or anyway to save them in computer 1 2
> Thanks,
> F