The release data displays for about 1 second on the patch lights 1-8 on power up. The buttons 1-5 display the program version. for example Button 1 & button 5 is ver 1.5. buttons 6-8 display the bootloader version in binary. Ver 3 is 7&8 lit and version 4 is 6 lit.
There was a sysex bug in the version of code you are using which caused the 3P to hang and an update will fix this. There are still bugs in some parameter edits which I am working through.
Portamento is not finished yet and disabled for the moment while I get more important fixes done.
--- In
, "rob_ocelot" <rob.ocelot@...> wrote:
> So I've got my upgrade+chorus mod installed and I'm using a Patch Editor...
> Is there any way to display what firmware revision is in the 3P?
> I've got some weird bugs and I'm not sure if they are due to my install or if it's a combination of the KT upgrade firmware and the PE firmware. Making things more complicated is that my SENSE slider doesn't appear to be working (I had always used this 3P with a PG-200 so I never noticed it before)
> Here's a list:
> -Portamento doesn't appear to work at all, at least the control on the PE doesn't seem to do anything.
> -Selecting ENV2 to act on filter doesn't work.
> -Bend Lever Destination routing doesn't work and selecting it from PE causes the synth to ignore the PE and behave erratically. Sometimes the sound changes (gets quieter, character changes) and a few minutes later everything gets loud. Other times it completely flakes out with random LED's lit.
> -Chorus mod works but I don't notice any difference between auto and manual mode. I assume auto mode ties chorus rate to an LFO? Not sure.
> -HPF continuous selection doesn't work on the PE. The PE manual explains that continuous control is possible using an unused VCO Pulse Width slider. HPF button selection (in steps of 10%) works as described.
> Patch Editor is v3.5 with 2.4c bootloader
> JX-3p upgrade version ??