Hello, I have noticed a great deal of noise coming from the envelopes and Chorus. I did not do the chorus Mod and am Curious if this could be causing excess noise. The Noise seems apparent in the envelopes as well, with my headphones on it's very apparent and sounds like a faint digital artifacting as the sound trails off.
I also notice that the volume difference between 9'oclock and 3'0clock on the volume dial only changes the volume in the head phones by about 15% but the noise increases almost 50-60%, but is less noticeable in the line out to PA.
There are also 3 caps soldered onto the underside ofmy main board. These look to me as if they are a previous mod. Did anyone else notice 3 caps on the underside of the board when you replaced the chip?? Perhaps my 3P was modded in the past? I will try to upload a pic soon. The value of these caps I cannnot see.
Thanks, Quentin