Yes, it did. In v1.x, the ENVelopes didn't use the full modulation that they should, so if for example you'd set the ENV to full on VCF mod, it would sound as if it was only set to 50% on a standard 3P. The v2.x properly controls the full range, and can properly do the same as a standard 3P, plus all those nice things extra!
--- In
, Natalia Rakowski <goosefan@...> wrote:
> Hello all -
> I'm going to be ordering the JX-3P upgrade and PE soon and was looking through this group's archives last night.
I noticed that there was an old thread saying how the synth sounded different after the CPU upgrade and that future versions of the software would address some of those issues.
Did v2.0 do this?
> Thanks so much!
> -- Natalia