I'm due to get my kiwisix modded polysix back later this month. I've not had the synth in my possession yet, I sent it right to the synth spa to get modded when I bought it. I want to get off to a good start with it.
are there any patch libraries or whatnot out there where I could begin with some interesting sounds in the polysix. electro and ambient would be more my taste. just want to make things as interesting as possible. I'm not sure what sounds would even be in it after all the upgrades and work, if it went back to factory presets or whatnot.
if there is any patch repository for polysixs I'd be curious to load some up sounds while I get to know the synth. and of course I'll be tweaking and learning the synth, but starting with more interesting sounds is better and a nice catalyst to me digging into it anyway.
any info appreciated.