Beauty, thank you Murray, that's exactly what I'd hoped. So the table for generic profile CC output table is the same mapping as the CC->control INPUT table in the appendix, got it! That's logical. Starting to save pennies now.
I'll ask second question, is the toolchain published? e.g. ucontroller with freely downloadable compiler, such that one could try to add new profiles (at user risk :) by creating experimental firmware images? Most new instruments support MIDI CC programming, but don't have a learn. Just swapping the PE output CC numbering is a pretty safe thing to do (not mess with sysex). I understand it's a potential support nightmare, and IP can of worms, but I thought I'd ask if your source/toolchain were open.
Warm regards, KevinC
On Jun 2, 2014, at 9:37 AM, Kevin Connor <
> wrote:
Hi kiwitechnics list, hello Murray,
I'm doing some research before purchasing a PE. I have some older synths (MKS-70, Microwave1, Matrix-1000, SCI Multitrak that has upgraded OS to allow midi CC control same as SixTrak) that I can control well enough with iPad/Lemur/MissingLink, but I would prefer hardware knobs, of course. I have an old Peavey PC-1600 slider box that can send sysex strings, but the lack of any memorable 'slider layout to function' mapping makes that a bit annoying.
My main question - do any of the device profiles send plain old midi CC values, rather than sysex? Perhaps a 'null' profile? I'm hoping to use the PE with some VSTs as well, and just require that moving sliders send CCs according to some list. Reading the docs, I get the impression that the JX3P profile might use CCs when talking to a 3P upgraded board. I understand the CC->to sysex translation function that the PE provides for CCs arriving at the INPUT, that's well documented and discussed. I'm asking here about pure standalone MIDI CC output from the PE -- is there a profile for which every slider is active, and moving sliders results in midi CCs (perhaps quantized in the cases of buttons and selectors, but full 0-127 for data sliders)?
Thanks very much, Kevin Connor (minphase at muffs, mutable)