Hi Scott
> another fun mod:
> replace the MG caps with caps half the size.
> use a spdt center-off switch to connect the original size and another larger size in parallel.
> this way you get a normal/ faster/ slower switch.
> at near-audio rates you can get great vocal-y sounds.
Yes. I definitely can recommend this. The same is valid for the timing
caps of the envelopes (C23 and C25 resp on KLM355).
Regarding the timing of the envelopes: to my taste the range in which
the short attack, decay, and release rates are controlled by the
corresponging pots is very narrow, and theres a too wide range for the
long rates (e.g if I compare it to my moog prodigy). Did you ever think
about changing the potentiometers
Or adding parallel resistors to
change the characteristics of the potentiometers
> by the by, if your filter or amp acts up, most likely it's your electrolyics in the ADSR(s).
> replace them and you'll most likely be good to go. don't replace your expensive CEM or
> whatever chip before you check the caps!
Theres a "must read" on this topic: