I can hardly believe this happened, what bad timing too. While playing
tonight my Mono/Poly went completely silent. Just was working fine and
then like the cable was unplugged, no sound. Everything behaves like
it's working, pressing a key in mono mode lights up all oscillators,
pressing to poly mode works and I can see the individual osc's lighting
up, but no sound, not even from the headphone jack.
I will start combing through the messages here and try to do some
troubleshooting in the meantime, but I'm hoping for some miracle to get
this up and running in three days before my bands next show. More than
half our set relies on the mono/poly, and I don't have any other
keyboard that even comes close to sounding like this. Maybe my casio vl-
tone, I could try that. :)
Anyways I really am in shock, all humor aside. If anyone has any
helpful info please shoot it my way. Thanks