Hi! one easy way to do that is if you�ve got mulitiple outputs from your
soundcard. Just program a track with for example 1/16 notes, then use a
short sample (fast attack), and route it through the soundcard ouput to
"arpeggio trig in" on the MP.
Best regards
Martin, Sweden
>From: "peopleperson04" <
>Subject: [korg_mono-poly] Mono/poly>CV to midi box>My PC
>Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 19:20:43 -0000
>Hello all. I recently acquired a Mono/Poly and I love it. I have a
>Midi to CV converter box which I know I can use with it to some
>degree. Here's what I'm looking to do though, and I don't know if
>it's possible. I'd love to be able to somehow get the arpeggiator to
>lock up with the tempo grid in Acid 6.0. Is there anyway I can do
I want to play arpeggiated sequences into Acid while building
>around them (kinda like mid-70's Tangerine Dream).