I have had the same problem with my Prosynth.
There is no real chance to buy new PS for the synth now. I even contacted Tom Oberheim regarding this and he was very polite, but unable to send me the schematics, because he did not have it.
Beware, there are min. 2 versions of Prosynths regarding power supply:
One with transformator outside of the box and the electronics of power supply inside of rack.
And the second which has all power supply guts outside of the rack.
I have the first version where outside of the rack you have only transformator 230V/+15V, -15V symetrical. My friend made me the box with such a transformator and I bought the special DIN connector for nothing on ebay from some chinese shop. And voila, it works perfectly.
Dňa 26.2.2012 14:47, kroutshev wrote / napísal(a):
i have the opportunity to buy a prosynth but power supply is missing, where do you think i can find one
I'm located in France.
Thanks for your help.