Thanks for that.
A comparison of the two patchsheets, OBXa and OB8 show a remarkable overlap, of names at least.
I don't remember them sounding very alike at the time, around 1986
, I eventually sold the OB8s, having tried 2 together to fatten them up, and got an OBXa again, less reliable though. Now of course I mainly remember the great features, factory MIDI, arpeggiator with DMX sync, more waveforms on everywhere, better real-time modulation and I thought being in tune would be an advantage at the time.
When I had Kenton MIDI my second OBXa, John mentioned that he'd spent some time figuring out a way of mapping patches across, probably from the OBX to OB8, but he didn't pass them on to me, but I didn't ask.The Doubles/Split thing was the OB8 had 12 of each, you could use the letters as well as the numbers.
The last 2 banks of the OBXa are combined on the patch sheet, that's the oddity I had a vague memory of.
"awacht@..." <awacht@...>
Wednesday, 29 February 2012, 18:51
Re: [oberheim] OB series Factory patch names [1 Attachment]
I had also come across copies of the pages from the original manual, in .jpg form. I've attached the "Factory Patches" page