Re: [oberheim] Oberheim matrix 6 and external knob programmer
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Martin Ator
Apr 20, 2012
Use a BCR2000 if you want a knob you can feel he he. They are useful for loads of synths. I don't have a Matrix 6 but the easiest way to do it if you can't find a template for the BCR (Join the yahoo group if you get one) is to find a free software editor for the Matrix and use that to program the BCR with the learn function(I think)
angelstoxx <angelstoxx@...>
Friday, 20 April 2012, 8:40
[oberheim] Oberheim matrix 6 and external knob programmer
Hey all, just purchased the legendary matrix 6 and was wondering if you could help me with your thoughts regarding an external programmer. is there any
Any answer will be much appreciated.