Hi, I've been trying to figure out the problems with my Matrix 1000. First of all I did the chip test and realized that three chips only had one voice, so I exchanged them for new ones. Now all chips are supposed to work. I have done the calibration tests and the two other "zeroing"-procedures in the test menu, but still get an annoying pitch problem (mp3 audio attached). I've recapped some of the unit, but it didn't help, the battery is changed as well (although I hardly think that could have anything to do with the pitch problem).
So in the attached mp3 I only trigger one note, but as you can see the pitch changes, after that I trigger an arppegio holding down _one_ note so you can see how the pitch "glides" from one place to another. Please help! :D I am yet to acctually play this resently bought synth ;(