Maybe it's not necessary to interface to T6963 (and compatible) standard, that's for graphic displays.
For Matrix 6 character display would be enough good, this is HD44780 standard...
Daniel Forro
On 21 Nov, 2014, at 8:31 PM, Martin Ator
[oberheim] wrote:
I would concentrate on the adapter board itself first and allow the end user to decide on the LCD arrangement. There are other synths with similar requirements for a new display like MKS-70 I think
Make a board that converts the Matrix 6 display format to something like T6963C for instance (if this is how you were thinking abut doing it) then you may find that some of the work (one half) has already been done. As an example I found this....but I have no idea how to do anything like this myself.
Interfacing Toshiba T6963C LCD to Atmel AVR microcontroller