I assume you have a cassette player, and some possibility to record
audio on a computer.
Connect the line out of the cassette player to the line in of your
computer (or audio interface).
Spool the cassette to the beginning
Activate record on the computer (your DAW, Audioprogram, what ever)
Press play on the cassette player.
When the cassette has ended stop on the recording on your computer.
Upload the recorded file to the files section of the group.
Am 25.07.2017 um 16:40 schrieb
> Okay.
> But, what EXACTLY do I do
> I hate to sound like a newbie, but how do I do this
> Convert the audio into a .wav or .mp3 or .aac or AIFF or ALAC file and
> save that
> Let's say I can get access to a cassette player.
> Then what do I need to make this happen
> Thanks.