I usually find that the slide switch is the culprit.
The contacts are only flashed silver, which turns to
silver nitrate or sulphide or worse if it's used
somewhere with cigarettes being consumed. The quick
and dirty solution is to wiggle the switch
horizontally for 30 seconds, which wears the new
coating off the contact and makes the switch function,
more or less. The other thing is the damage these
switches can sustain when the OB is slid along on its
back edge in a rear wheel drive saloon car, the prop
shaft tunnel tends to push the switch in and loosen
the folded tabs that hold the switch together.
Switchcraft make a recessed version that requires a
coin or screwdriver to move it. These are the biz.
The further problems in this area require a real tech,
although the Molex connectors are usually a problem by
this time, and may revive if gently agitated. Careful,
they're not that robust, and there is mains voltage
inside the old beast.
All of the above is true for OBX, Xa, and OB8 at
least, probably most of that era's big guns
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