--- In
, "mda231" <mda231@y...> wrote:
> I am trying to find a main volume potentiometer for my TR-707. Does
> anyone have a source for where I can find this part
- Roland in the
> UK does not have them.
The sliders are probably not special Roland parts, but rather typical components. It's a bit
of a PITA, but I'd measure the dimensions of the slider including the spacing of the pins.
The slider should probably be removed from the PCB for this. A ruler and some patience
will do, but calipers are just the thing.
Then I'd do some research on the websites of big parts distributors (Mouser, Jameco,
Farnell, etc) to see what they offer for sliders of the same resistance. There will often be a
spec sheet or diagram linked which shows the dimensions of the part. Their biggest
customers are manufacturers who don't want to buy thousands of a part which won't fit
their product on the assembly line. I expect you'll find compatable sliders, and they'll be a
lot cheaper than from Roland. But it's work.