Well, i've done a few more experiments with trying to burn custom
sounds for the HR-16. I dont think it uses any pin swaps or weird
stuff like that. I'm running into problems tho. I can replace
individual sounds, but they sound distorted when played thru the HR16.
I know very little about how sounds are encoded to PCM. I think i'm
getting what is called "quantization error noise." I think i neeed
anti-aliasing filters and dithering.... I am using Goldwave to open
the BIN as raw audio, and then replacing sections of the file with my
own audio.... Is there a better audio editing program i could use for
a project like this
Or do i need to find out the precise sampling
frequency, etc, that the company used to sample the sounds
--- In
, "plutoniq9" <Plutonique9@...> wrote:
> Damn it's been silent in here...... I just ordered some 28-pin sockets
> so I can start experimenting with new sound eproms.
> Because it's "nearly impossible" to read the Roland Eproms, burning
> new sounds will just have to be based on whats in the service manual &
> a lot of expermentation....... It would have been cool to look into
> the original ROM's, to make copies and see exactly how the data is
> organized or if certain samples are lower/higer sample rate than
> others.....but you'd have to modify an older eprom programmer to put
> out a clock signal on every address-line change.....
> Probably won't have much time to experiment until after June 7th
> though, so just wanted to drop a line and let people know this project
> aint dead :)
> Cheers
> Ryan