Because I was doing this patch yesterday... and I discovered something I think I ignored...
That If I put a rectangle from A111 in a multplie to direct it to A117 (ext clk) - then it does
something I know (I modifiy the A117 to work withb the A111) but then if I plug at the
same time the rectangle our from my multiple to A196 (signal in)... It doesnt work as I
expected... That the original resul occuring between A111 and A117 changes too!!!
I dont if this is really clear... maybe its totally normal behaviour when using multiples for
So this made me think to a module like this : it's like contrary of a mixer.
Instead of having 4 inputs and 1 outputs... you have 1 input for audio (or more) and then
several outputs (with atenuator maybe or even cvs...)... Does this make any sense to
anyone here.
Also in general I'd like to have more modules with this three position switch like in A140...
for me its a really good way (when using A100 as a live instrument) to change parameters