I have this module in the synton modular, is the MPL.
Is a very useful module: 1 input and 4 buffered outputs with attenuators.
Since the dowpfer use input attenuators I don`t see the point of having the
output attenuators, but it could have an "phase" switch instead.
2006/5/22, bellenger_a <
> Because I was doing this patch yesterday... and I discovered something I
> think I ignored...
> That If I put a rectangle from A111 in a multplie to direct it to A117
> (ext clk) - then it does
> something I know (I modifiy the A117 to work withb the A111) but then if I
> plug at the
> same time the rectangle our from my multiple to A196 (signal in)... It
> doesnt work as I
> expected... That the original resul occuring between A111 and A117 changes
> too!!!
> I dont if this is really clear... maybe its totally normal behaviour when
> using multiples for
> audio...
> So this made me think to a module like this : it's like contrary of a
> mixer.
> Instead of having 4 inputs and 1 outputs... you have 1 input for audio (or
> more) and then
> several outputs (with atenuator maybe or even cvs...)... Does this make
> any sense to
> anyone here.
> Also in general I'd like to have more modules with this three position
> switch like in A140...
> for me its a really good way (when using A100 as a live instrument) to
> change parameters
> dramatically...
> Alexandre
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