so, florian, please tell me a simple and
understandable poll that i should create about such a
"switch converter module". as fas as i understand, it
will be a module that can "connect" the 0 to 5 volts
gate outputs of the a100 with some of the inputs of
various monosynths and drum machines that require a
"switch"(either on or off) type foot pedal, am i
right i think that my korg minipops 120 required such
--- Florian Anwander <
> Hi Steven
> > I think it would be a great idea to allow people
> with
> > older Moog equipment to interface easily.
> I confirm this. And it is not only Moog equipment
> which matters here.
> There is a lot of gear which offers or expects
> switched out/inputs. In
> my equipment beside my Moogs: the MonoPoly
> arpeggiator clock, several
> roland start/stop foot connectors, lots of foot
> pedals connectors of
> digital effects!
> A switch-gate to voltage-gate for both directions
> would be great.
> And one addition from my side: The voltage-to-switch
> part should also
> contain not only a on/off but also a flip switch
> connection like:
> - output as stereo jack socket
> - 0 volt connects shaft and ring
> - 5 volt connects shaft and tip
> Best regards, Florian
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds
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