Regarding MIDI/CV, have you thought about incorporating an Encore
Expressionist into your setup
Not sure what you mean by "filling up the box with MIDI/CVs".
Andreas Lindholm wrote:
> Regarding starting out on Doepfer. I started with an empty 6u frame a110 a
> filter and the noice, VCA and an LFO. I wanted to process external sounds.
> Then I have folloewed that path with vocoder and external env input. Then I
> didn't want to fill up the box with midi-cvs and went regelwerk. That is as
> you all know something I regret a lot. A simple midi-cv would have worked
> and been much simpler and also a lot cheaper. This whole midi-cv biz
> actually has stopped me in my a100 tracks. Now I know I have to do something
> about it and I am unsure as if to get my first AS system (their midi-cv
> seems better that the A100) or just go on A100 (like the new multislope
> filter)...