Never heard of the expressionist before, nice unit. Sold out, but anyway a
bit too much for me. I need one or perhaps three channels of midi-cv at
most. What I meant by "filling my 6u" up was simply that since the case
itself is costly I initially didn't want to put in midi-cv modules when i
wanted more filters and stuff instead. I also had high hopes for the
regelwerk. I read the specs to positive a mistake which I have paid for
indeed. I interpreted "features 8 channels of cv and gate /.../ functions as
a midi and cv sequencer..." And read into that that it could do basic
sequencing and also interpreted it as "if it is digital and does both cv and
midi it ought to be capable of just passing midi notes to the cv outs to."
Great I thought and filled up my 6u with the vocoder and bought the
regelwerk... :.(
Now i know it had been much viser to just have bought a single midi-cv
module and sacrificed an A111 or something...
----- Original Message -----
From: "unknown freak" <
To: <
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: 1 Starting out...
> Regarding MIDI/CV, have you thought about incorporating an Encore
> Expressionist into your setup
> Not sure what you mean by "filling up the box with MIDI/CVs".
> Andreas Lindholm wrote:
> >
> > Regarding starting out on Doepfer. I started with an empty 6u frame a110
> > filter and the noice, VCA and an LFO. I wanted to process external
> > Then I have folloewed that path with vocoder and external env input.
Then I
> > didn't want to fill up the box with midi-cvs and went regelwerk. That is
> > you all know something I regret a lot. A simple midi-cv would have
> > and been much simpler and also a lot cheaper. This whole midi-cv biz
> > actually has stopped me in my a100 tracks. Now I know I have to do
> > about it and I am unsure as if to get my first AS system (their midi-cv
> > seems better that the A100) or just go on A100 (like the new multislope
> > filter)...
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