> 1. What' s the actually the difference between the "Theremin systems" of the A-100
> System Suggestions and the instruments of the Theremins such as "Etherwave Pro" and
> "Etherwave Theremin" by MOOG music How about sounds How about functions
I have two A-178 Atennas and have some minor experience on an original
Moog Theremin. The main difference is, that the A-100 Theremin modules
allow adjustments on the surface, which can be quite tricky.
Misadjustment can make the antennas quite unplayable. An original
Theremin is adjusted as it is and works.
For not experienced players it can be easier to use not standard VCOs
with exponential Voltage/Frequency relation, but more linear relation. I
use a VCA which controls the amount of the theremin output voltage and
is controlled itself by the inverted theremin output voltage. The
adjustment of this patch is also quite tricky, but it helps for playing.
> 2. Could I manufacture my original Theremin through the"Theremins systems" of the A-
> 100
Basically yes.
> What kind the modules do they consist then
two A-178 antennas, one A-110 VCO, one A-130 VCA
If you want the above mentioned "linearizing" trick you additionally
need a second VCA A-130 (or A-138b plus A-132) and an inverter A-175.
> If I could do so, might I play the
> original Theremin in front of my own "Theremin system" of the A-100 Is it really odd
I don't understand that sentence.
> 3. By the way, does not only the Theremin but also the Analogue Modular Synthesizer
> come from the same mechanisms
No. In real Theremins the antennas are part of the oscillator or
amplifier. Modular systems strictly separate the functions.
> Why did Bob MOOG respect Levy Sergeyevich
> TERMEN and the Theremin profoundly
Because Robert Moog had the heart of a Musician not of an Engineer.
> Meanwhile I understand the Universe itself
> consists of the cosmic oscillators and it is also the musical substance by itself. ciao !!
I can recommend to read Karl-Heinz Stockhausens: "Texte zur
elektronischen und instrumentalen Musik", who presents a similar, very
interesting theory. (Texte zur elektronischen und instrumentalen Musik.
Ed. Dieter Schnebel. Cologne: Editor M. DuMont Schauberg, 1963. Vol. 1
of Texte zur Musik. 10 vols. to date. 1963- .)