It's worth noting the most important difference between the A100
theremin system and a Moog Etherwave--the Moog, awesome as it is, has
essentially one sound--a sine wave. With the theremin controller, you
can in theory use it to control any sound the modular can make, and
the modular can make a hell of a lot of sounds.
I don't have the theremin module, though--Florian, how do you like it
in terms of responsiveness How susceptible is it to interference
--- In
, Florian Anwander
<Florian.Anwander@...> wrote:
> Hi
> > 1. What' s the actually the difference between the "Theremin
systems" of the A-100
> > System Suggestions and the instruments of the Theremins such as
"Etherwave Pro" and
> > "Etherwave Theremin" by MOOG music How about sounds How about
> I have two A-178 Atennas and have some minor experience on an original
> Moog Theremin. The main difference is, that the A-100 Theremin modules
> allow adjustments on the surface, which can be quite tricky.
> Misadjustment can make the antennas quite unplayable. An original
> Theremin is adjusted as it is and works.
> For not experienced players it can be easier to use not standard VCOs
> with exponential Voltage/Frequency relation, but more linear
relation. I
> use a VCA which controls the amount of the theremin output voltage and
> is controlled itself by the inverted theremin output voltage. The
> adjustment of this patch is also quite tricky, but it helps for playing.
> > 2. Could I manufacture my original Theremin through the"Theremins
systems" of the A-
> > 100
> Basically yes.
> > What kind the modules do they consist then
> two A-178 antennas, one A-110 VCO, one A-130 VCA
> If you want the above mentioned "linearizing" trick you additionally
> need a second VCA A-130 (or A-138b plus A-132) and an inverter A-175.
> > If I could do so, might I play the
> > original Theremin in front of my own "Theremin system" of the
A-100 Is it really odd
> I don't understand that sentence.
> > 3. By the way, does not only the Theremin but also the Analogue
Modular Synthesizer
> > come from the same mechanisms
> No. In real Theremins the antennas are part of the oscillator or
> amplifier. Modular systems strictly separate the functions.
> > Why did Bob MOOG respect Levy Sergeyevich
> > TERMEN and the Theremin profoundly
> Because Robert Moog had the heart of a Musician not of an Engineer.
> > Meanwhile I understand the Universe itself
> > consists of the cosmic oscillators and it is also the musical
substance by itself. ciao !!
> I can recommend to read Karl-Heinz Stockhausens: "Texte zur
> elektronischen und instrumentalen Musik", who presents a similar, very
> interesting theory. (Texte zur elektronischen und instrumentalen Musik.
> Ed. Dieter Schnebel. Cologne: Editor M. DuMont Schauberg, 1963. Vol. 1
> of Texte zur Musik. 10 vols. to date. 1963- .)
> Florian