Hi all, I'm Max from France and this is my first message to the
Doepfer group.
I got my A100 today and it is even more interesting than i expected,
i'm really happy.
However, i have problems with the A-188-1 module that looks strange to
me for two reasons :
The first thing wrong is that the number of stages of the module is
not mentionned on the rear pannel. One of the circles that indicate
this value should be colored black, but none is, they're all empty. I
took it off the case to see the electronic board and read "A188-1
version 2" so i guess it is A-188-1B (1024 stages), the one i ordered.
The second problem (the real one) is that there's no audio from BBD
out... Neither is there from mix out when the potentiometer is turned
to 100% wet (BBD)but the dry output signal (original) is normal.
I tried many things and settings ( input lvl 10; CV input switchs to
0; with/without feedback, BBD polarity + - 0 ...) I also tried to take
the module off the case to see if it was a problem with the PSU, but
ain't got no signal from BBD out. The connection with the bus board is
ok (set once, by myself and correctly).
When feedback is set to 10 it slightly self-oscillate and i can
'sweep' the self oscilation freq with the delay clock potentiometer,
however, the level of the self oscillation is nearly inaudible and i
had to amplify it a lot to ear it.
Is there anything i can do to make it work or to make sure it has a
problem and has to be shipped back
Please help !
Sorry for bad english and thanks all for building such an interesting
and active message board.