> this page I looked at may contain a discrepency
It does. The discrepency is that the text mentions a 1200mA psu while
the photo shows the older, 650 mA version. The reason is because we
never had time to take a new photo. The G6 page also has the older-
style PSU in the photo. The pics were copied from Doepfer's site in
the beginning.
> I'm not the original owner of my G3 but it was purchased from
> Analogue Haven. Their page mentions a 1200ma rating and shows the
> older NT12 in the jpg photo, something that the doepfer.de page
> mentions. But I take it that this lower rated PSU2 is what is
> delivered.
The 1200 mA PSU2 is the only power supply available now. So even a G3
case comes with the PSU2 now, even though it is not really needed.
This has helped streamline costs a bit also (i.e. buying more of one
quantity than spreading the numbers across multiple pieces).
Shawn Cleary