> Hello,
> just got an A143-1 from MESI yesterday... trying it out this morning and
from the MIX
> OUTPUT I can only get the ENV1... not the other ones... It seems this
module is defective
> should I just bring it back or is there anything simple I could check
before that
First of all please check if there are envelope signals for the outputs 2, 3
and 4 (observable at the LEDs of the units 2, 3 and 4). If there are
envelope signals on all 4 outputs the module has to be sent in for repair if
only envelope 1 appears at the mix output. Maybe the manufacturer forgot to
connect the mix bus of all four boards. The solder point labelled "JP4" of
all four boards (located behind the control "Mix Polarizer" at the edge of
the board) should be connected with a blank wire. If this connection is
missing only envelope output #1 appears at the mix output.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer