thanks John
Is this usable without a PC then
On 12/12/2007, at 2:01 AM, jmaddocks1975 wrote:
> I wanted a mac version too but couldn't find anything. I've
> seen 'virtual PC' software so you can run windows software on macs,
> not
> sure how stable they are though, anyone used one
> pid=virtualpc
> The A112 module is awesome - wavetable synthesis, delay effect,
> sampler. I'm still getting to grips with the wavetable side of it
> though.
> John
> --- In
, David Bulog <d2ba@...> wrote:
> >
> > Is there any program I can use on OSX 10.4 Intel to do sample dumps
> > into a A-112 Sampler
> > I notice there is only one for Win 95 and Win 98
> > How useful is this module in general
> >
> > thanks in advance
> > Dave
> >
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