thanks for the tips
...but how did you solve the soldering issue how to route if i want to use bananajacks (grounding etc.)
the "press-on-letter-then-spray-finish" method is one of to options, the other is to use highresolution-papercopies (laminated) witch could contain more info+colours&symbols...
///thanks again!!!///d n f n
> "'
'" <
> Richard Guido <
>Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 09:00:25 -0800
> RE: 1 redux of all fronts
>You're right on about the spacing and logic of the front panels on the
>Doepfer. I have a large system and find the locations confusing at times.
>Back in the 70's I designed and built my own synths here are some tips, hope
>it helps...
>## don't make your panels too large, you'll end up with a giant system and
>you'll have to connect miles of cable just to create your sounds. Doepfer's
>panel aren't a bad size as long as you use small knobs and 3.5 jacks.
>## you can make very professional looking panel by using "press-on letters"
>for your labels. These letters simple press onto your panel and if you take
>care in lining everything up it's a very pro finish. I used to spray on a
>coat or two of clear plastic to protect the lettering.
>## In my designs I tried to be consistent with my input and output -- I
>would put all the inputs on the left side of the panel, outputs would be on
>the right and control voltages and triggers on the bottom. This worked out
>very nice for most panels.
>## I also used banana plugs for the control voltages/gates/triggers. I
>liked the color it added and it was easy to find. again, use the same color
>for throughout your design. I think I used red for triggers/gates and black
>for control voltage. Some of my later synths had binary logic so I added a
>third color -- yellow.
>I hope this helps you out -- just remember to plan everything out before you
>start drilling panels!
>Rick Guido
>-----Original Message-----
>From: martin olson [mailto:
>Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 2:08 AM
>Subject: 1 redux of all fronts
>one thing i don�t like about Doepfer;
>the layout of the frontpanels (too small), no logic relations between
>different/simular modules, like the a-120&a-121.
>therfore im planning to build my own frontplates using
>***larger aluminium frontpanels(three sizes +100% in y-axis(LONGER))
>***moore spacing between knobs,
>***in/out jacks&knobs on same x&y axis from mod. to mod.
>***better marking /diffrent colours on audioin&out,cvin&out,tr in etc.
>***switch from 3.5" to bananajacks (how to do )
>someone else on the same wavelength
>wood. fire. hand. go.
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