Hi helitr0n
> one of the four EGs is not working properly:
> when the sustain = 0, the output is high, without beeing triggered.
> however, when a trigger/gate is applied, the envelope stops for the
> duration of the signal, and then it goes high again.
> with sustain >3, the envelopetriggering behaves normally, but the
> output is too low compared to the other EGs on the module.
> additionally, decay and relese also affect the triggering behaviour.
I had a look at the schematics: this sounds like the wire bridge "J10"
has been forgotten or is not solder correctly: it is close to the Decay
potentiometer and the IC1 (a 555).
How does the Envelope react on a slow rectangle LFO at retrigger in
while the gate is high (key pressed).