No argument there.
However, that wasn't the question. The question was "what instrument
is *usually* associated with a diode filter". The obvious answer is
the TB-303, fetishized by technoheads worldwide. Most of those
people haven't even heard of EMS.
Therefore the word "bullshit" really doesn't apply here. Better luck
next time, though -- I'm sure you'll find a good use for the word and
all that caffeine sometime soon.
--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., phaedra@t... wrote:
> Bullshit! It is the filter of the EMS synthesizers!
> Am 05.06.02 17:42:22, schrieb "modularcharles" <ospengler@r...>:
> >The TB-303.
> >
> >--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "buechlerjoe" <buechlerjoe@t...> wrote:
> >
> >> Meanwhile, what's the diode filter's claim to fame What
> >is
> >> usually associated with a diode filter
> >>
> >> Joe