The TB303-filter is a three time moog cascade and has nothing to do with diode filtering.
Also when many people havn't even heard of EMS is it wrong to give such information.
Better nothing than something wrong, okay
all the best
Am 05.06.02 17:55:24, schrieb "modularcharles" <
>No argument there.
>However, that wasn't the question. The question was "what instrument
>is *usually* associated with a diode filter". The obvious answer is
>the TB-303, fetishized by technoheads worldwide. Most of those
>people haven't even heard of EMS.
>Therefore the word "bullshit" really doesn't apply here. Better luck
>next time, though -- I'm sure you'll find a good use for the word and
>all that caffeine sometime soon.
>--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., phaedra@t... wrote:
>> Bullshit! It is the filter of the EMS synthesizers!
>> Am 05.06.02 17:42:22, schrieb "modularcharles" <ospengler@r...>:
>> >The TB-303.
>> >
>> >--- In Doepfer_a100@y..., "buechlerjoe" <buechlerjoe@t...> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Meanwhile, what's the diode filter's claim to fame What
>> >is
>> >> usually associated with a diode filter
>> >>
>> >> Joe
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