madrayken schrieb:
> Of course, you're correct. I'm using the self-triggering Quad ADSR,
> so I can send the D-Gate out to a multiple and send one back to the
> ADSR and the other to the S&H. My interest is purely academic: how is
> my ADSR peak different from an LFO I use the two interchangeably in
> all other cases.
> LFOs go from -2.5 to +2.5v.
> Envelope gates are at +10v.
> Both these work to trigger the S&H.
> Envelopes themselves go from 0v to +8v, yet these never trigger
> gates.
> Specifically: having read the manuals, I can't see anywhere where a
> gate is considered to be a shift from +ve to -ve voltage, but this
> would appear to be the case. Am I right
Ok, this becomes understandable. But I have no dedicated answer for you.
The only thing I could imagine is, that the trigger threshold for the
S&H is quite low (lets say at 0.5 Volts) and the Quad ADSR assumingly
does not return completely to 0 Volts when in self-triggering mode. (I
know this from other makers envelopes, e.g the ADSR of my Formant does
not go down to 0 V completely. You have to work with an negative offset
at the VCA to make it silent).