Yes, I am still working on the Schaltwerk OS rewrite.
The name I have come up for it is the 'Hackwerk' :)
I post updates to my Schaltwerk website:
>From: "ringmod45" <
>Subject: 1 doepfer negative pr
>Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 14:21:59 -0000
>hi everyone, i am reposting this here as an example of what happens
>when you don't do any upgrading to your products or have customer
>support. someone has decided not to buy a doepfer product. WHY
> read on, here a few posts from the doepfer forum. now you why i am
>so adamant about what it does the doepfer image and its products.
>Ripe 101 has even started a yahoo group to ask for suggestions from
>users, so he can rewrite the code himself because of the lack of
>effort from doepfer. can you believe that. now there is someone who
>has such a strong belief in the schaltwerk, that he is taking it on
>his shoulders and doing it all by himself. kudos Ripe 101 for taking
>matters into your own hands instead doepfer not doing anything about.
>the truth should be, buyer beware. check the machines out before you
>buy them. read the manuals very carefully, because they are hard to
>decipher in the first place due to poor translations. once you
>understand their functions and you are happy with them, then please
>go ahead and buy them. but if you are waiting for an upgrade, my
>suggestion to you is don't bother buying them. it's been over 4 years
>since they said they would implement new features and bug fixes, but
>the time keeps passing by. so nothing new here about being shut out
>and ignored. i feel like the wart that won't go away. i love these
>machines, i just wish that they would as well. because once they do
>do something about it we will all benefit from the upgrades, doepfer
>and its customers alike.
>patiently waiting to bring my machines back from thier dusty graves,
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