I am new on this group, my first post.
I have a "basic system 2" (with midi) plus some other modules (in a
second case) but my questions are about a VERY basic system - it is
about the A110 VCA
1/ If I want to play just one straight note (whatever its shape) - no
modulation, no nothing,no midi, no controllers, just a simple drone...
I just take the output of A110 straight out (to a mixer->speaker)
All fine, except that the A110, for each octave only outputs pitches
in between a (slightly high) A note up to a (slightly high) C#. No
way to output a D D# E F F# G G#.......
normal I don't think so... when it says about its range being of
7 octaves or so, it should say it is in HALF-octaves - and when ,
about the "TUNE" control it is not "only about one octave" but less
than half-octave
_____can you confirm or tell me what I am doing wrong
2/ok, if i plug a midi controller (keyboard) I can have all 12 notes
of a scale. Nice. But then I can NOT tune the second VCO at an
interval of a fifth (which is a very classic effect) Actually i can
only tune the second VCO in a difference of +/- a small third (or
rather as "big" second)
_____can you confirm or tell me what I am doing wrong
Ok, many thanks for any help, explaination or whatever
(it's not that I insist on having the "notes" or playing them "in
tune". but a hole of more than a half-octave in all octaves is NOT a
nice thing)
all the best